Injury Prevention

Injury will occur with stress exceeds capacity. Ironically, it is often times as we are building capacity, competing, or performing that we cross this barrier and find ourselves with an injury. As incredibly important as it is to train strength and conditioning, also consider training movement and movement control. Consider building capacity in different positions and different ways.

Corrective exercise can be used to address any possible issues prior to things starting to break down. With optimal motion and contribution from all body tissues, the risk and rate of injury drops. This is not a one-size-fits all protocol.

I have yet to see a standard to being human. The individual demands of life define our personal function and, to a large degree, we train to increase our capacity in an effort to be bulletproof against what life would typically throw at us.

The parts of the equation are the movement patterns, stressors, loads, and capacity. With a good evaluation of what life requires of you we can build appropriate movement patterns, alter stressors, modify loads, and more efficiently build capacity.

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